In 2014, with emissions failing to increase despite a 3.3% expansion of the global economy. This development can be largely attributed to changing patterns of energy consumption in China and OECD countries.
Sustainable Solution Deployment
- Interoperability as a Service (Dashboard driven Enterprise & Legacy System Integration)
- Lighting (LED Indoors/Outdoors)
- Alternative Generation (Wind/Solar)
- Conventional Generation (Natural Gas/Waste to Energy)
- Combined Heat & Power (Turbine or Engine Based Generation with use of waste heat for HVAC Needs)
- HVAC Automation & Optimization (Wireless Controls/Smart Systems)
- Competitive Supply (Broker for Market Driven Deregulated Markets)
Energy Assessments
- Free energy assessment of Rebates, Grants and other financial programs which can benefit client
- Energy Bill analysis for demand charges and baseline usage compared to industry averages
Energy Audits/Benchmarking (DOE)
- Our experienced team of Energy Sustainability Specialists provide a no risk proposal and detailed Audit of opportunities
- Client is presented with results and asked to make a commitment for long term sustainable savings and participation in the Department of Energy’s (DOE) Benchmarking Program a new standard in commercial and industrial building maintenance and property management.
Energy Improvement via Utility Rebates
- For large use clients we enter into discussions with their utility for approval of projects
- We assist as a Client Side Sustainability Assistant in the purchasing process to ensure that a best of breed solution is in their best interest