Super Wi-Fi & Cellular Services


iPonix Wireless Services

  • eGovernance software solutions
  • Wireless Remote Video Surveillance Solutions
  • Broadband Wireless Network Design and Engineering
  • Security Consulting and Policy Management

Private & Metro Wireless

iPonix specializes a provider of secure data connectivity for Small Business, Non-Profits, Municipalities, Tribal Nations and Colleges. The products offered are both systems hardware and software management platforms. Among the hardware solutions offered:

  • Wireless IP infrastructure for remote locations currently without Internet and cell phone service
  • Augmentation of cellular coverage with high speed wireless broadband connectivity for homes and businesses
  • Interoperability of 2-way radio systems, long-distance backhaul, convergence of voice, video and data on an IP backbone
  • Wireless IP video solutions of all kinds, including fixed, mobile and portable camera systems.
  • Live video streaming and camera control from locations hundreds of miles away

Difference Between LTE vs Wi-Fi

The two technologies are complimentary:

  • 4G emphasizes range and mobility over rate – and costs more. Your phone will work 5km from a base station, or in a train at 200 kmh. You can get (say) 150Mbps from a base station shared between hundreds of users over dozens of km2. That base station will cost a lot (perhaps $100,000 including electronics, tower & site).
  • WiFi emphasizes speed over short distances. You can get 400Mbps (say) from a new WiFi AP but only over a few tens of metres and only for a few users before QoS matters.

So having both is a good thing.  The two do converge with carrier WiFi and small cells.  So, for example, at a shopping mall or airport it would make sense to integrate both (and 3G) into one box: you serve more people, and the cost, hassle is per node (installation, electrics, backhaul) so Return-on-hassle is improved.