Sustainability [suh-stey-nuh-bil-i-tee] the ability to be sustained, supported, upheld, or confirmed.

What is Sustainability?

Corporate-photo-2-300x236Sustainable development (SD) is a process for meeting human development goals while maintaining the ability of natural systems to continue to provide the natural resources and ecosystem services upon which the economy and society depend[citation needed]. While the modern concept of sustainable development is derived most strongly from the 1987 Brundtland Report, it is rooted in earlier ideas about sustainable forest management and twentieth century environmental concerns.

Sustainable development is the organizing principle for sustaining finite resources necessary to provide for the needs of future generations of life on the planet. It is a process that envisions a desirable future state for human societies in which living conditions and resource-use continue to meet human needs without undermining the “integrity, stability and beauty” of natural biotic systems.

Interoperability & Distributed Energy Generation

By combining our capabilities to integrate the following:

  1. Legacy Energy Networks and Corporate Management Systems
  2. Distributed Energy Resources such as Micro Wind, Solar, Batteries and Fuel Cells
  3. Wireless Sensors & Management Devices
  4. Mobility for Enterprise Workforce & Enterprise Resource Management

iPonix is able to provide disruptive insight and real time business rule based analytics.  By automated our platform for each of our clients needs Interoperability as a Services not only lowers risk of investments in innovation, but is available at a lower cost.  By reducing Capital Expenditures we provide a 99.9 % uptime guarantee and concierge level customer service for our clients who qualify


MicroEnergy Network Value Proposition

The iPonix MicroEnergy Network demand response program provides incentives to customers for temporarily reducing their power demand in response to:

  1.  Periods of high wholesale electricity prices
  2.  Grid system resource capacity shortages
  3.  Grid system reliability events
  4.  Economic curtailment incentives

iPonix’s MicroEnergy Network is group of renewably minded commercial, institutional, and industrial businesses joined together forming a virtual clean energy power plant providing reliability services to Grid Operators in exchange for a payment.

The MicroEnergy Network enables your business to provide an insurance policy against grid failure by reducing your consumption according to the predetermined measures and comfort levels that makes sense for your operations, and like an insurance provider your business is paid a “premium” for your contribution to the grid.

The MicroEnergy Network is called to action when an emergency “event” threatens to disrupt the flow of power to the community. While historically these emergency “events” are exceedingly rare, MicroEnergy Network’s 24/7/365 Operations Center is prepared and ready to respond to the Grid Operator’s request for emergency assistance.  When unforeseen circumstances escalate beyond the control of the Grid Operator, iSuite is notified and responds by alerting the MicroEnergy Network of the impending circumstances and immediately sends deployment signals to the MicroEnergy Network site control server installed at each facility initiating the execution of the predefined energy load reduction measures.

The MicroEnergy Network’s aggregated resources are equivalent to a large generating plant coming online to provide the necessary capacity to stabilize the grid and prevent a loss of power to the community.

In addition to providing the community with power grid reliability, participation reduces the need for the development of new power generation plants which lessens the associated environmental impact new generation plants bring to the community.

Group Purchasing Organization (GPO) - Performance Based

bigstock-Sustainability-Concept-36836102In the United States, a group purchasing organization (GPO) is an entity that is created to leverage the purchasing power of a group of businesses to obtain discounts from vendors based on the collective buying power of the GPO members.  Many GPOs are funded by administrative fees that are paid by the vendors that GPOs oversee. Some GPOs are funded by fees paid by the buying members. Some GPOs are funded by a combination of both of these methods. These fees can be set as a percentage of the purchase or set as an annual flat rate. Some GPOs set mandatory participation levels for their members, while others are completely voluntary. Members participate based on their purchasing needs and their level of confidence in what should be competitive pricing negotiated by their GPOs.

Group purchasing is used in many industries to purchase raw materials and supplies, but it is common practice in the grocery industry, health care, electronics, industrial manufacturing and agricultural industries. In recent years, group purchasing has begun to take root in the nonprofit community. Group purchasing amongst nonprofits is still relatively new, but is quickly becoming common place as nonprofits aim to find ways to reduce overhead expenses. In the healthcare field, GPOs have most commonly been accessed by acute-care organizations, but non-profit Community Clinics and Health Centers throughout the U.S. have also been engaging in group purchasing.

Group Purchasing Organizations have established themselves as an important resource in the purchasing sector. The leverage and purchasing power they offer small companies can be a tremendous asset. But it is important to consider all the pros and cons involved when selecting a GPO. You may be forfeiting as many benefits as you are receiving when restricting your purchasing flexibility to the many program restraints of a Group Purchasing Organization.