The lights are specifically tailored to generate the full light spectrum needed by plants.
Beyond Organix Indoor Farming
Why Invest in Controlled Environment Agriculture (CEA)
In our deteriorating global environment the ability to reliably produce certifiable and repeatable high quality organic food will ensure our children and future generations can have access to a sustainable healthy food source. While organic farming is not new, one must question how organic is organic and how sustainable is it going forward due to the changes in the environment. Our CEA solution reaches beyond the approaches used in organic food production today. This is due to our ability to innovate on some key technologies and our holistic end-to-end process that guarantees the quality and traceability of the food we produce.
Our environmentally controlled indoor growing areas remove the need to use any pesticides or insecticides and overcome many of the challenges that contaminate outdoor organic growing areas. For example, we avoid cross-lot contamination (from nearby non-organic lots) caused by:
- Migration of insects, birds and animals
- Wind and rain
- Farm machinery and humans who work on multiple lots
- Because of our closed loop hydrophonics solution we also avoid contamination from seepage into the water table
Beyond Organix Internet of Everything (IoE) Software
Our advanced controls and data logging systems enable us optimize plant growth and to certify the quality and traceability of all of our products. For example, we monitor and control the following:
- Air quality – our air intakes utilize 1500 MPR (Micro Performance Rating) electrostatic filters to remove unwanted particles and prevent insect entry
- Air temperature and humidity
- Water samples to ensure the temperature and nutrients are optimized
- Light spectral density to ensure the right spectral light is provided to the produce being grown
Unique LED Lighting Solutions
Our vertical farming platform using water-cooled LED lamps provides for increased produce output with a lower energy footprint. In addition we offer smart-grid solutions using micro-grids with very efficient co-generation options (such as wind, solar, gas etc). We utilize a simple and inexpensive clean-room approach for entry to our CEAs such that every person entering the facility passes through a positive-pressure air lock and wears disposable footwear coverings, gloves, facemask and a hairnet. Any equipment entering the CEA is washed, inspected and tagged prior to entry to the area.
We trace the origin of our seeds to avoid any GMO or genetically altered produce. Our global approach to design-anywhere-build anywhere allows us to make the best use of lower-cost local resources and enables us to reduce the time from production-to-consumption and expensive storage, refrigeration and transportation costs. We have brought together innovative technologies, experienced people and an end-to-end process that ensures we can deliver certifiable, traceable high quality organic produce on a repeatable and cost-effective basis 365 days a year.